Saturday, April 23, 2011

Allowing instead of controlling during Mercury Retrograde

So, I wish I could blame Mercury Retrograde (MR) for all the crappy things I felt and experienced during this time, but that would mean not taking any responsibility for my feelings. As we start to awaken from this dream state called life, we know that we cannot blame any external entities or events for what makes us feel bad.
A few things happened during MR that caused me to feel anger, frustration, confusion, and well, at the bottom of a barrel, wondering if I will ever reach the top where I could breathe effortlessly and easily. During this time I seem to have temporarily forgotten a few simple rules to the universe:

1. I have 100% control of how I feel and how I want my story to flow. When I find myself drifting toward discomfort, I have every right to take another fork in the road and feel happy. My story is the script to my life, and I am the scriptwriter. No one else has the power to take it away from me and edit without my permission.
2. The law of attraction doesn't work if I don't practice the law of allowing at the same time. 
3. Things and people in my current reality are a direct result of what is already inside of me.

And, thanks to Brad Yates' EFT workshop this week, I learned…
4. Limiting beliefs exist in my subconscious because my subconscious thinks the beliefs are protecting me from harm. Limiting beliefs are rooted in fears, and fear comes from feeling unsafe!

You may be thinking, "What the #%@* are you talking about? I would never want bad things to happen to me. I don't want people in my life who hurt me or piss me off. This is a bunch of crap!"
It's OK if you are thinking that. I learned from Joe Vitale and Janeen Detrick that this is probably your subconscious protecting you from believing something it's convinced will not benefit you. We all choose to do/believe something because we are convinced it will benefit us in some way. Hence, we choose to not do/believe something because we are convinced this will not serve us. Most of us tend to come up with excuses as to why we don't want to do something--I'm too tired, I don't have the money, I am too busy, I can't get anyone to go with me, etc.--It's pretty simple. We don't believe we will attain happiness from doing it. After all, isn't that the root of why we want things like money, a life partner, a house, a car? We just want to be happy, and we believe these things will make us happy.
This leads me to a statement that Joe Vitale and Abraham/Hicks keep saying over and over and over…


OK, easily said, but how can I be happy when I'm in a state of chaos, stress or illness?
-See step 1 above. Remembering that I am the captain of this vessel called "me" is the first step. Acknowledging that I can steer it any way I want. I don't have to let the ocean take me somewhere I don't want to go, only to get stuck in some rocky reef.
-Accepting that I am feeling resistance is next. Owning this feeling I don't want is critical. Blaming others doesn't make sense, especially when most of the time, they don't "do" something to me on purpose and with ill intent. And if they do, they were not being their true self at the moment.
-#3, forgiving myself and anyone else I was trying to blame for feeling a way I don't want to. (Forgiveness is always present in Brad's EFT scripts and Janeen's NLP scripts.) Forgiveness is the key to moving on/forward and not letting the bad feeling control us (looking backward).
-Giving myself permission to change. I need to feel it's OK to change how I feel. Remember, #4 above, my subconscious held on to feeling bad because it thinks it is protecting me. (The Sedona Method is a good source for asking yourself questions to let go of "bad" feelings.)
-Finally, # 2, allowing and trusting the universe to bring into my story, what is best for me at the perfect time. This is still a little challenging for me. A friend once told me I was a control freak. I didn't like that label, so I looked at the times when that was probably seen as true in other's eyes. I'm working on this step, and expect to be better with practice!
If at this point, I am still feeling low vibration, I can practice EFT or NLP. At the worst, after I am done with a round or more of it, I will feel happier and lighter, and that's never a bad thing!

There was something I wanted and expected from a friend recently and I was frustrated that I wasn't receiving it. It made me feel a plethora of bad emotions. I felt like blaming the other person for not giving it to me. After practicing a lot of EFT, I was reminded of the law of allowing. I started telling the universe "I allow you to give me ______." This is so much better than demanding "Universe, I want ________" or "Why aren't you sending me _________"?
If you think about it, how would you want to be spoken to when someone makes a request?
I also started practicing telling the other person "It makes me happy if you __________". This sounds better than "I feel bad when you ________."
This shifts focus on my happiness instead of my sadness/anger. Come on, no one really wants to hear how bad you feel, right?

I challenge you to try this technique the next time you request something to a loved one. See how they react when you choose your words carefully.

Now that MR is coming to a close today, I can reflect on what happened the past month. It sure is easy to remember all the things that made me unhappy. But what about all the good things that happened along the way? No matter how "small" these triumphs are, they are all equal in the sense that they made me happy, and I feel successful knowing I made them happen.
I have gratitude to MR for teaching me, to remind me of my true talent and strength.
I want to continue focusing on the good, because I know deep down, my true essence, my true nature is happy, peaceful, empowered and forever expanding.

Thanks to my teachers, thank you Mercury, thank you universe, thank you self.
Blessings to all, and may you all shake hands with your true nature.
 I shot this on Easter, 2009. I love how the universe allowed me to capture a cool effect without Photoshop editing! Happy Easter!

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